Fall 2018 Newsletter

Newsletter -

Fall 2018 Newsletter

Between the early forest fire season, the warm weather, and crazy storms we’ve been having, it seems like the winter ice fishing season was a century ago.

We met a lot of you out on the ice this year tooling around in our Snowdogs. The amazingly useful machine that changed our Ice Fishing for the better!

We had a great season at Recreation Revolution! We met hundreds of people (hopefully including great folks like you), handed out just as many cups of delicious Tim Horton’s coffee, dug out stuck trucks on lake Winnipeg, sponsored 2 ice fishing derbies where pulled almost 100 kids around (up to a dozen at ONCE), and best of all - started spreading the love of our new favourite Snowdog machines!

We’ve been busy in the off season!

We recently perfected our Snowdog Trailer! This 6’x3’ trailer is the key to being able to use your Snowdog all year round. We’ve now gone through 2 feet of snow, over the ice ridge, through mud bogs, across creeks, 3 feet tall grass prairie and have yet to get ourselves stuck. Check out the videos on our facebook page!

Also - we spent some time with the Woodbridge Volounteer Fire Department proving the Snowdog’s use for first responders. You can read the article here.

If you’re still thinking of getting a Snowdog for the fall - we have lots of Snowdog machines and accessories in stock NOW, so don’t wait for the rush. Give us a shout for a FREE FALL DEMO and see how awesome these things are all year.

Yours in the outdoors,

Brian & Sean @ Recreation Revolution


See us at the Winnipeg Ice Fishing Show November 17th and 18th at the Red River Exhibition